
Orange County slate is complete

Nearly half of the 11 seats for Orange County positions in the Nov. 8 elections will be contested. At the filing deadline on Aug. 23, 19 candidates had been certified by Orange County Registrar Donna Jenni.

Here is a brief rundown of the candidates Orange County voters must choose from:

Sheriff: Incumbent Mark Amos vs. Donald Brooks, Culpeper County Jail administrator

Commonwealth’s attorney: Incumbent Diana Wheeler vs. Gilbert Berger, attorney

Treasurer: Incumbent Phyllis Yancey is unopposed

Commissioner of the Revenue: Incumbent Donna Chewning is unopposed.

Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners: Incumbents Robert Bradford and Alyson Sappington are unopposed.

Orange County Board of Supervisors

District 2: Incumbent Zack Burkett vs. Jim White, chairman of the Economic Development Authority, and Art Magner, businessman

District 3: Incumbent Teel Goodwin vs. Billy Curry, pastor, and Will Likins, teacher

District 5: Incumbent Board Chairman Lee Frame vs. Suzanne Brady, real estate broker

School Board: Incuments Sherrie Page of District 2, Judy Carter of District 3 and Jim Hopkins of District 5 are unopposed.

The last day to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election is Oct. 17. For more information about the registering to vote or absentee ballots, contact Jenni at the registrar’s office at 672-5262. Information on how to register, including a voter registration form, is on this Web site.

UPDATE: In late September, Bill Curry, a candidate for District 3 supervisor, announced he was dropping out of the race. In addition, Alexis Gray, a substitute teacher in Orange County Schools, announced her write-in candidacy for the District 5 seat on the School Board.