
Members a little safer after speaker’s visit

Orange County TRIAD
Richard Bradie

Speaker Richard Bradie, who addressed the club at its Nov. 17 meeting, came laden down with gifts designed to make club members safer.

Mr. Bradie represents TRIAD, a cooperative program involving law enforcement agencies, community groups and senior citizens, working together to protect seniors.

Club members were given “Files for Life,” a kit containing a chart for listing a person’s medical conditions and medications. The file is magnetic so it can be affixed to a refrigerator door. A sticker for a window or door will alert first responders in the event of an emergency, so EMTs can have life-saving medical information even if the patient is unable to communicate. Mr. Bradie said all local first responders have been trained to look for a “File for Life.”

In addition, Mr. Bradie offered members power-failure lights, motion-detecting night lights, magnifying lenses and other items and literature designed to make seniors more secure.

The speaker demonstrated a Guardian Alert 911 system, which a senior can use to summon help at the touch of a button. The system has the advantage of not requiring a monthly fee. Triad provides the systems at no cost, but asks for a $150 donation to defray costs.

The Orange County Triad program is a joint effort by the sheriff’s office, AARP and local seniors.