
Club to conduct virtual meeting on August 12

The Lake of the Woods Democrats will resume its monthly meetings via the online meeting app Zoom, starting on Wednesday, August 12.

Lee Frame

The meeting will feature a presentation by Orange County Supervisor Lee Frame, who will address a variety of topics, including an update on the county’s response to the pandemic, use of CARES Act, broadband expansion, local business development and more.

Following our guest speaker, we’ll have a brief business meeting to provide campaign updates.

You can participate in this meeting using Zoom video or by calling in by telephone – either option is fine. If you have not used Zoom video and would like assistance in advance of the meeting, just let us know and we’ll be happy to assist.

Contact Jennifer Heinz at or by calling 703-508-1104 to request credentials to the Zoom session.

COVID-19 pandemic or no COVID-19 pandemic, there’s a very important election coming on November 3 and we must get to work to elect Joe Biden president, Mark Warner U.S. senator and Abigail Spanberger U.S. congresswoman.